rank and file


rank and file

ihmiset, joukko, miehistö, henkilöstö, rivijäsenet, rivit, sotamies.

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Englannin sanakirja

rank and file (englanti > suomi)

  1. rivimiehet|p; miehistö

  2. rivimiehet|p; miehistö in a police department or similar hierarchic organisation; rivijäsenet|p in an association

rank and file englanniksi

  1. Common soldiers, as would be arrayed in a grid pattern with ranks and files.

  2. puhekieltä Those lacking any particular title or status; those having no station.

  3. The executives attend meetings in exotic locations while the rank and file stays at headquarters doing the bulk of the work.

  4. 2013 May 23, w:Sarah Lyall|Sarah Lyall, "http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/24/world/europe/british-leader-david-cameron-faces-rebellion-in-his-party.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 British Leader’s Liberal Turn Sets Off a Rebellion in His Party," New York Times (retrieved 29 May 2013):

  5. First, a prominent Tory called the party’s rank and file “swivel-eyed loons.” Then the populist politician Nigel Farage called Prime Minister David Cameron and his Tory-led government “a bunch of college kids.”
